Jawline Enhancement: Choosing Between Filler and Fat Dissolving Treatments at Dermaq

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19 Jan 2024 - Dermaq Aesthetics

At Dermaq, we often encounter clients uncertain about whether to opt for jawline fillers or fat dissolving injections. The goal? To beautifully sculpt and redefine the lower face, diminish the pre-jowl sulcus, and achieve a youthful, defined jawline. The decision between jawline filler and fat dissolving treatments is pivotal in your facial rejuvenation journey and they serve different purposes and offer unique benefits.

To guide you in making the best choice for your unique needs, consider these questions:

For Jawline Filler:

\ 1. Are you noticing a loss of volume along your jawline?

\ 2. Do you wish to conceal or minimize your pre-jowl area?

\ 3. Are shadows on your lower face in photos bothering you?

\ 4. Are you looking to enhance and define your jawline for a straighter look?

\ 5. Do you aim to mask a double chin without direct treatment?

\ 6. Is improving sagging in your lower face a priority for you?

\ 7. Are you seeking immediate results?

\ 8. Do you wish to correct asymmetry in your lower face?

If these concerns reflect your goals, jawline filler could be the ideal choice for you.

For Fat Dissolving Injections:

\ 1. Do you feel your lower face appears heavy?

\ 2. Are you looking to reduce a prominent double chin?

\ 3. Is a non-surgical, permanent fat cell reduction method your preference?

\ 4. Do you desire a slimmer side profile, particularly under the chin, to enhance your neck in photos?

If these concerns resonate with you, fat dissolving injections may offer the solution you seek.

Combining Treatments for Optimal Results

Many patients enquire about the possibility of combining these treatments for a comprehensive facial enhancement. The answer is yes! However, it’s crucial to understand the different recovery processes. Jawline fillers provide immediate results with minimal downtime. Mild swelling or bruising can be expected, and typically resolved within 3-5 days.

In contrast, fat dissolving treatments may initially increase the size of the double chin area due to the swelling, with the full effect gradually appearing over several weeks as the body processes and eliminates the treated fat cells. Generally 3 treatments are required, spaced 4 weeks apart.

We recommend scheduling a face-to-face complimentary consultation with one of our highly trained Registered Nurses at Dermaq. Our experienced team of cosmetic injectors will develop a customised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and schedule, ensuring you receive the most effective and satisfying results!

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