Transforming Your Look with Cheek Fillers: A Comprehensive Guide by Dermaq

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19 Jan 2024 - Dermaq Aesthetics

Cheek fillers have become a popular choice for those seeking a non-surgical solution to rejuvenate and enhance their facial contours. At Dermaq, our skilled cosmetic injectors are experts in using cheek fillers to add volume, create a youthful appearance, and provide a subtle lift to the face. It’s vital to choose an experienced professional for this delicate procedure, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

The Initial Consultation: Crafting Your Personalised Treatment Plan

Your journey begins with a detailed consultation. This crucial step ensures that the treatment complements your natural features and achieves a harmonious, balanced look. During the consultation, you can expect to:

  1. Discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns.

  2. Review your medical and injectables history.

  3. Gain insights into your facial anatomy and understand the rationale behind the approach and technique.

  4. Learn about the procedure, potential risks, and the number of sessions needed.

  5. Understand the costs involved.

  6. Informed Consent: Prioritising Safety and Understanding.

Every medical procedure, including cosmetic enhancements, carries potential risks. In Australia, strict guidelines ensure patient and practitioner safety. The consent process is comprehensive, covering:

  1. Detailed information about the procedure, its purpose, and expected results.

  2. Possible risks and complications associated with dermal fillers.

  3. A section for you to acknowledge your understanding and consent to the procedure.

  4. The scripting process that lasts for 12 months.

The Procedure: Expert Care and Precision

  1. Preparation: We start by thoroughly cleansing and disinfecting your face. Please arrive with a clean face, free of makeup and heavy skincare products where possible. The cheeks are assessed from different angles, at rest and when smiling. Lines with a marker may be drawn on the skin to provide guidance for where the filler is to be injected.

  2. Injections: Carried out by our highly trained Registered Nurses. The filler is administered using fine needles, with careful attention to depth, quantity, and distribution for optimal results. The treatment takes between 10 and 30 minutes and some mild discomfort can be expected.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

Post-procedure care is crucial for optimal results and includes:

  1. Avoiding strenuous activities.

  2. No makeup for at least 12 hours.

  3. Minimising sun exposure and avoiding saunas or spas for a week.

  4. Avoiding excessive coffee and alcohol for 24 hours.

    5. Avoiding blood thinning medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

You’ll notice immediate improvement, but it takes 2-4 weeks for the filler to settle fully. Swelling or bruising may vary based on individual healing times. A follow-up at the 6-week mark assesses the need for further treatment. To maintain your desired look, we recommend revisiting every 9-18 months.

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